General Information

AT Products is a group name, as a solo company, for software and other computer products.

AT stands for Alex Toucan, which "AT Products" sounded like a clean name, so I liked it.


Note that malware, code, or scripts. will not be on this section, and will be on the Ethical Hacking Society, The Script Community, CodingHome, and Noodle Hackerspace only.

Paid Services, for our services!

Flash Documentation, for things about Flash Player!

MDickie Projects, a fanmade site about what has MDickie developed since the 1990s!

SMS Bomb for Android Devices. You can SMS bomb your friends!


ProtDos (CodingHome)

Pynx Technologies

Astro Dog




ProtDos for allowing us to use their past CSS.

Bootstrap for providing their CSS library for us to use.

Pynx Technologies for contributing to our website, and is willing to protect our website as well.

W3Schools for the navigation buttons, and for 15% of the current CSS.


This is the history section about AT Products LLC, spanning from 2019 to today in 2022.

Beginning in 2019, this company was just a thought, and the logo was already being planned out.

It wasn't until in 2021, the logo was completed with a 3D modeling tool, also known as TinkerCAD. Also in 2021, especially late 2021, was when our website was just getting under development. For a school assignment, AT's ROM Games was chosen as the first web page to be completed. Since the criteria was just for four areas of information to be put on said web page, and the product was already being made. This would start the adventure of, but these sites had domains), which had basic CSS.

Us finishing the main website within the same time area of late 2021, which meant that the Ethical Hacking Society, and The Script Community got their website done around that time period as well.

The New Year of 2022, brought CodingHome, and our Documentation. Finally, in February of 2022, we bought the domain of, and put the exact same code on there. But, soon enough, ProtDos gave us permission to use their (and our) past CSS, which was Bootstrap 4. We changed the CSS to make it more dark, and then changed it back within June of 2022. Between March and June of 2022, we introduced Flash Documentation, and the Noodle Hackerspace as new products.

Our final overhaul would happen on June 3rd, 2022, with 2.6. Which replaced the Bootstrap 4 with Bootstrap 5. Not much later, on August 21st, 2022, we changed the company logo. Meaning that the last event would be 2.7, releasing on September 22nd, 2022, which would've changed the nav-bar.

What's New?

Released on: September 30th, 2022.
ATP Database: 2.7.1

New Paid Services page, as a product.
This means, we updated the navbar, and the footer.
New "AMD GPU Fix for Flash Player" post in Flash Documentation.
Added the Links to the Font Awesome icons, in the Index (AT Products), Ethical Hacking Society, CodingHome, Noodle Hackerspace, pages.
This means that we updated Bootstrap to make them the same color (gray/black-ish) instead of default hyperlink blue.
New Twitter link added in the Index page.
Added navbar to Adobe Director Logo History when forgotten about.
Margin-top to image in the 404 page.
Put "margin-top" on H1 tags, to divide the navbar more between the webpage.

Changed the h4 font color in Flash Documentation, Director Logo History in the navigation button.
Changed some h2 titles to h1.
Updated the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Rewrote the history section in the Index Page.

Bugs Fixed
Fixed were in Flash Documentation, for the footers, the Documentation links went to the current (/flash or /flash/posts) directory and not the primary root (/) directory.
Fixed were also in Flash Documentation, for the footers, where it was all centered.
Put the JavaScript from Bootstrap into the SMS Bomb page, when forgotten about.
Changed were in Flash Documentation, for the navbars, the Privacy Policy link went to the current (/flash or /flash/posts) directory and not the primary root (/) directory.

New animation from the navigation button, to for example, What's New.